

A variety of funding sources can be used to support the use of ReadyCoach including the CARES Act (March 2020), the CRRSA Act (December 2020) and the ARP Act (March 2021). Use of these funds should prioritize student growth with other qualified uses including any activity authorized under ESEA, IDEA, AEFLC, Perkins, and McKinney-Vento. Additional funding sources include the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funding, Title I, Title II-A, and Title IV-A.

To help you understand what funding source makes sense for your needs, please contact us.
We are here to help.


Purchasing educational technology, which could include hardware, software, and connectivity, for students served by the LEA that aids in regular, substantive educational interaction between students and educators, including low-income students and students with disabilities. This could also include assistive technology or adaptive equipment.

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) of 2021 (ARP ESSER (“ESSER III”) Fund) is the $1.9 trillion government fundingcoronavirus emergency relief package. As part of the Act, the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ARP ESSER, “ESSER III” Fund) can be allocated to local education agencies (LEAs) through state education agencies (SEAs) for initiatives that address learning loss through the measurement and implementation of evidence-based interventions and activities to that support students’ academic, social, and emotional needs.  This can occur through summer learning or summer enrichment, extended day, comprehensive afterschool programs, or extended school year programs.  Funds may also be used to implement activities that address the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, migrant students, and other students with high needs.

Title I Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, is federal legislation that provides financial assistance to local agencies (districts) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet State academic standards. These funds are distributed according to statutory formulas.  Moreover, Title I (Part A, Section 1003g) provides funding to the lowest-performing schools to raise the achievement of students.

The purpose of Title II is to provide resources to schools and districts to increase student achievement through building the capacity and efficacy of highly qualified teachers and principals. Strategies include teacher preparation programs, recruitment and retention, hiring, induction, and professional development of educators. Although Title II Part A funds can be used to support teacher professional development needs, there are important restrictions that may inhibit Title II funds from being used to support ReadyCoach.  For example, technology and equipment cannot be purchased using Title II funds “unless the district can provide assurances to its auditor that the technology/equipment will only be used to carry out Title II, Part A funded professional learning; AND assure the technology/equipment are never used for general technology integration; AND assure the technology/equipment are not used for evaluation; AND assure the technology/equipment are never taken home by the staff and used for other, non- Title II, Part A related (or non-education related) purposes.” 

The Title IV Part A provides funding opportunities in in three main categories: well-rounded educational programming; ensuring a safe and healthy learning environment; and effective use of technology for student achievement. Districts that receive more than $30K of Title IV Part A funds must complete a needs assessment and submit a plan to the state which will describe how the funds are distributed and coordinated across all 3 categories. Title IV (Part B) provides funding opportunities for a wide-array of activities to advance student achievement such as after-school programs, summer school programs, digital learning, family involvement, and other forms of learning and remediation beyond the traditional school day.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law that requires all children with disabilities to have access to free public education that emphasizes participation in the least restrictive environment, services designed to meet student unique needs, and preparation for continuing education, employment, and independent living.  It provides funding opportunities for the education of students with special needs and disabilities, to support early intervention and to improve the use of technology in the classroom for special education.

The Office of School Turnaround provides School Improvement Grants (SIG) to support districts that demonstrate the greatest need for the funds and the strongest commitment to substantially impact the achievement of students in their lowest-performing schools.

Needs Assessment
Next Steps : 15 mins can help make a measureable difference


We invite you to complete an online Needs Assessment.
The Needs Assement can be accessed at the bottom of the homepage at:
The Need Assessment is easy to complete and takes about 15 Minutes


Think of it as:
Taking a brief pause in the action to…
Try new lens to gain some additional clarity and insights about your learning community…
Map out some potentially promising new directions for enhancing student success.

Step 1

Complete the Needs Assessment. It will help to:
  1. Summarize needs, goals, strengthens, resources, gaps and challenges…
  2. Set the stage for possibe action in the development and the implementation of new/revised plans leading to student success.

Step 2

Schedule a consultation with our team
We will reach out to set up an online/virtual consultation with you and your team.
The consultation is free.
We will strive to assist you in identifying solutions that can help you reach your goals.
Want to have an informed conversation with our research experts based on your needs? Complete our needs assessment and we’ll be in touch soon!

Coaching Technology Survey

Interested in seeing how other districts are using instructional coaches? Complete our coaching technology survey and review available responses!

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ReadyCoach was developed, in part, by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) grant No. H327S170020. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the positions or policies of the U.S. Department of Education. No official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education of any product, commodity, service, or enterprise mentioned on this website is intended or should be inferred.

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